
Podcast - Episode 67: The benefits to 3-D CBCT imaging and what it can do for you with Chris Thornburgh and Lori Crowder

In this episode, Chris Thornburgh and Lori Crowder, owners of  CBCT Encompass solutions talk about the technicalities, logistics, financing, etc. of different types of imaging methods. Most importantly the discussion is centered around what a patient can get out of going to a Doctor who uses this technology.

Podcast - Episode 65: Amblyopia, Vision Therapy, Childhood Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care with Miriam Elder.

in this episode, we cover the devastating effects of Meniere’s disease. Matthew describes what he was feeling, the effects it had on his life and what he did to get rid of his symptoms. More importantly, he talks about how Meniere’s disease kept him from being involved in ministry and working on his life purpose.

Meniere’s disease affects every aspect of life and is very scary. A lot of medical treatment options come with serious risks of side effects.

Podcast - Episode 64: Getting rid of Meniere's disease with Matthew Coursey

in this episode, we cover the devastating effects of Meniere’s disease. Matthew describes what he was feeling, the effects it had on his life and what he did to get rid of his symptoms. More importantly, he talks about how Meniere’s disease kept him from being involved in ministry and working on his life purpose.

Meniere’s disease affects every aspect of life and is very scary. A lot of medical treatment options come with serious risks of side effects.

Podcast - Episode 63: Finding joy and excellence after Post Partum Depression with Dr. Beth Lundby

Beth Lundby,DC, is a Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor and Blair Advanced instructor located in Bismarck North Dakota.
In this vulnerable yet hopeful and inspirational episode, she tells her background story of choosing to be a Doctor of Chiropractic and ultimately specializing in the neck with the Blair Technique. She talks about the support and love of her husband, John, and the joys and challenges of being a mother and a doctor and finding the balance to excel at both.