The Blair Chiropractic Technique Can Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a painful condition caused by a pinched nerve. This can make it difficult to use your hands effectively. Trying to grip items or type on the computer can be irritating, if not outright painful. 

Carpal tunnel can interfere with your ability to do daily routine chores, enjoy hobbies, or work effectively. In some severe cases, patients require surgery to correct the problem.

Research indicates that treatment of the upper cervical spine may alleviate carpal tunnel symptoms for many patients, saving them from costly and invasive medical procedures. 

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

People suffering from mild cases of carpal tunnel syndrome may experience numbness, tingling, or weakness in the fingers, hands, and wrist. This can lead to clumsiness due to a person having difficulty with hand function. 

In more serious cases, the sensation may involve discomfort and pain. Pain may be spread across the hand, or in some cases, it may be shooting, like an electric shock. In a more severe case, pain may shoot from the hand, through the wrist, and up the arm. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The median nerve is a sensory-motor nerve that runs from the spinal cord, into the arm, down through the wrist, and into the hand. Usually, the root cause of carpal tunnel is when the median nerve is compressed or pinched. 

The upper cervical spine is made up of the uppermost seven vertebrae that run from the base of the skull, down through the neck. It is in close proximity to the brain stem and protects the upper part of the spinal cord. 

This part of the spine is vulnerable and prone to injuries from accidents or poor posture. When the vertebrae become misaligned, it causes inflammation that may compress nerves. Compression of nerves near the brain stem can interfere with nerve function and cause a domino effect of problems going down the body. The muscles and ligaments may not properly function when the flow of nerve signals to the brain is impeded, and this can trigger conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. 

How Our Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Works

If the root cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is in the upper cervical spine, seeing an upper cervical specialist can help alleviate painful symptoms. Dr. Gordon Elder of the Blair Chiropractic Clinic in Lubbock, Texas is an expert in the Blair Chiropractic Technique, a modern chiropractic technique focused on upper cervical health. 

The Blair technique utilizes a combination of advanced technology and gentle manipulations to help pinpoint and correct even minute misalignments of the upper cervical spine. Dr. Elder's treatment begins with 3D diagnostic imaging tools, eliminating the guesswork and allowing for more targeted treatment. 

Unlike traditional chiropractic adjustments, the Blair technique is more precise and gentle. Dr. Elder can expertly coax the spine back into alignment with swift, low-pressure movements. These corrections are not only more comfortable for patients, but longer lasting. Follow-up visits will ensure the adjustments are held in place as the body's natural healing mechanisms reduce inflammation and repair nerve damage. 

As a long-term solution, the final stage of Dr. Elder's treatment plan involves periodic visits for preventative upper cervical care. 

If carpal tunnel syndrome has been plaguing you, contact Dr. Elder to see if non-invasive, drug-free chiropractic care can help you. Dr. Elder's area of coverage includes Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico. 

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.