Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Blair Chiropractic Technique Can Help

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a serious sleep condition that sees patients experiencing constant tiredness and extreme physical fatigue. Most commonly diagnosed in middle-aged women, there is no known cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. However, recent research has found potential links between chronic fatigue syndrome and viral infection, stress, and misalignments in the upper cervical spine.

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The most well-known symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is extreme tiredness to the point where it impairs your ability to function throughout the day. The severity and frequency of chronic fatigue episodes will vary depending on the individual. 

Some commonly experienced symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome include autonomic nervous system dysfunction, decreased blood flow to the brain, insomnia, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, joint pain, and sore muscles. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The upper cervical spine is made up of the seven stacked vertebrae that support the neck and head carriage. Due to its close proximity, the upper cervical spine and the central nervous system (CNS) are closely linked, with vertebral misalignments often resulting in inflamed nerves and disrupted nerve flow along the spinal cord. 

Left untreated, a vertebral misalignment that impairs nerve activity can have a cascade effect throughout the body, impacting the flow of electrical signals between the CNS and other essential organs. Over time, this kind of disruption will disrupt the body’s ability to respond and deal with common chronic fatigue triggers, such as viruses or imbalanced hormones. 

How Our Treatment Works for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Our upper cervical chiropractic specialist, Dr. Gordon Elder, utilizes a form of chiropractic treatment known as the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique. This technique focuses specifically on correcting misalignments in the upper cervical spine that are triggering conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome. 

In order to effectively treat chronic fatigue syndrome, Dr. Elder will firstly conduct a 25-30-minute consultation. During this time, Dr. Elder will establish your medical history and attempt to determine whether a spinal misalignment is the likely cause of your chronic fatigue. The diagnostic process for upper cervical spinal treatment typically involves the use of advanced 3-D imaging techniques to pinpoint any potential misalignments.

Once you’ve received a formal diagnosis, Dr. Elder will provide you with an individualized treatment plan, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions you might have regarding your treatment. Your treatment session will involve the use of gentle, and precise spinal correction techniques to coax the vertebrae back into natural alignment. This process enables the surrounding muscles and nerves to heal naturally and return to normal function, thereby reducing the frequency and severity of chronic fatigue symptoms.  

Following your initial appointment, we recommend regular check-up appointments to ensure your adjustment is setting (for at least 3-5 months). Most patients average between 10 and 15 appointments with Dr. Elder to achieve long-lasting/permanent results.  

If chronic fatigue syndrome is limiting your quality of life, get in touch today to speak with Dr. Gordon Elder about how your upper cervical spine could be triggering your condition. Located in Lubbock, Texas, Dr. Elder also services Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, El Paso in Texas, and Hobbs in New Mexico.