Back Pain

The Interlink Between Sleep Positions and Sleep Quality

Sleep plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being. It affects everything from cognitive function to mood regulation and is vital for the body's repair processes. While various factors influence sleep quality, including environment, diet, and physical health, one aspect that's often overlooked is sleep position. The posture in which we rest can profoundly impact the quality of our sleep and, consequently, our overall health.

Why Does Sleep Position Matter?

Every sleep position, whether it's on the back, side, or stomach, has distinct implications for our body. Factors such as spinal alignment, respiratory function, and muscle relaxation are affected by our sleeping posture.

Common Sleep Positions and Their Impact on Sleep Quality

Supine Position (Back Sleeping):

  • Pros:

    • Promotes spinal alignment, reducing the risk of neck and back pain.

    • Minimizes the likelihood of facial wrinkles since the face isn't pressing against a pillow.

    • Reduces acid reflux, especially if the head is elevated slightly.

  • Cons:

    • Risk of snoring and sleep apnea is higher because the tongue can obstruct the airway.

    • People with certain medical conditions, like congestive heart failure, might be advised against this position.

Lateral Position (Side Sleeping):

  • Pros:

    • Most recommended for pregnant women to improve circulation to the heart, benefiting both mother and fetus.

    • Reduces the risk of sleep apnea and snoring.

    • Can alleviate symptoms of acid reflux.

  • Cons:

    • Can cause shoulder pain due to pressure on one side.

    • Might lead to facial wrinkles and sagging breasts because of gravity.

Prone Position (Stomach Sleeping):

  • Pros:

    • Can reduce snoring and instances of sleep apnea.

  • Cons:

    • Often leads to neck and back pain because the spine isn't in a neutral position.

    • Puts pressure on joints and muscles, leading to numbness and tingling.

    • Risks facial wrinkles due to pressing the face into the pillow.

Other Factors to Consider

Pillow and Mattress Quality: The type and quality of the pillow and mattress play an essential role in how much support our body gets, irrespective of the sleep position.

Movement During Sleep: Some people might not stay in one position throughout the night. Regular tossing and turning can either be a result of discomfort or a cause of disrupted sleep.

Individual Health Conditions: Conditions like sleep apnea, acid reflux, or back pain might dictate the most suitable sleeping position for comfort and health.

Changing Your Sleep Position

While it might be challenging, especially if you've been accustomed to a particular posture for years, it's possible to change your sleep position for better sleep quality:

Use Pillows for Support: If you're transitioning to side sleeping, a pillow between the knees can help maintain spine alignment.

Gradual Reconditioning: Try the new position during short naps first to acclimate your body.

Check Bedding: Ensure your mattress and pillow support the position you are transitioning to.

The Importance of Sleep Positions for the Neck and Back

The importance of sleep positions with regard to neck and back health cannot be overstated. Our cervical (neck) and lumbar (back) regions house vital segments of our spinal column, which are integral to our posture, flexibility, and overall physical well-being. Sleeping in improper positions can lead to misalignments and undue strain on these areas, which over time can result in chronic pain, muscle tension, herniated discs, and a myriad of other spinal issues. Conversely, maintaining an ergonomically sound sleep posture ensures that the spine retains its natural curvature, minimizing the risk of these ailments. Optimal positions, such as sleeping on the back with adequate neck support or on the side with a pillow between the knees, foster spinal health and can drastically improve the quality of sleep and overall musculoskeletal well-being.

How We Treat Neck and Back Pain from Poor Sleep Posture

Beyond refining your sleep posture, incorporating upper cervical chiropractic care can be pivotal in a comprehensive strategy to relieve neck and back discomfort. This unique chiropractic subset emphasizes the uppermost two vertebrae in the neck—the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2). Their significance is paramount as they bear the weight of the head and facilitate extensive head mobility.

Our approach to neck and back discomfort revolves around pinpointing and remedying the core issue through the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique. Using state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, Blair-trained specialists can adjust misaligned upper cervical vertebrae, thus alleviating neck and back pain symptoms and activating the body's natural recovery mechanisms.

Within our Blair Chiropractic Clinic, our expert Blair chiropractor, Dr. Gordon Elder, adopts a dual-faceted method to tackle neck and back discomfort. During your preliminary consultation, Dr. Elder will perform a detailed spinal assessment to determine any upper cervical misalignment. This 25-30 minute assessment lays the groundwork for Dr. Elder's tailored therapeutic recommendations.

Should a misalignment be detected, Dr. Elder will delve deeper. Employing advanced 3-D imaging, he'll meticulously analyze the upper cervical region to pinpoint the exact misalignment site. You'll then have the opportunity to review these findings and seek clarifications from Dr. Elder.

Following this, Dr. Elder will execute gentle, precise adjustments focusing on the identified misalignment. The goal is to restore the natural orientation of the upper cervical region, eliminating distressing pressure points and activating the body's intrinsic healing response.

Post-adjustment, patients are advised to return for routine follow-ups, which will be incrementally spaced out to confirm the stability of the adjustment over 3 months. Typically, within a 3-5 month timeframe, most patients will undergo 10 to 15 sessions with Dr. Elder.

For those grappling with neck and back pain from poor sleep positions, we invite you to reach out to the Blair Chiropractic Clinic. Located in Lubbock, Texas, we also cater to residents of Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, El Paso in Texas, and Hobbs in New Mexico.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

Parental Guide to Addressing Children's Back Pain

Back pain isn't solely an adult ailment; children and adolescents can also suffer from it. As a parent, it can be concerning when your child complains of discomfort or pain in their back. Recognizing the causes, symptoms, and available treatment options, including upper cervical chiropractic care, can be beneficial. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this concern.

Causes of Children's Back Pain

  • Postural Issues: Extended periods of sitting, often due to school or screen time, can lead to poor posture, contributing to back discomfort.

  • Injuries or Trauma: This can stem from sports, rough play, or accidental falls.

  • Growth Spurts: Rapid growth can lead to muscular imbalances or discomfort.

  • Heavy Backpacks: Overloaded or improperly worn backpacks can strain the back.

  • Underlying Medical Conditions: Conditions such as scoliosis can contribute to back pain.

Recognizing the Symptoms

  • Constant or recurring pain.

  • Pain that gets worse during the night.

  • Restricted range of motion.

  • Signs of discomfort during physical activities.

  • Pain radiating to other parts of the body.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic as a Treatment Option

Upper cervical chiropractic care specializes in the alignment of the upper two vertebrae of the spine: the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2). Misalignments in this area can impact the entire spinal column and nervous system. Here's why it's a worthy consideration:

  • Holistic Approach: Rather than simply addressing symptoms, upper cervical chiropractic targets the root cause of the problem.

  • Safe for Children: The adjustments are gentle, making them suitable for children's developing bodies.

  • Improved Nervous System Function: Proper alignment ensures that brain-to-body communication is optimal.

  • ·Non-Invasive: It offers a non-pharmaceutical approach, avoiding potential side effects of medications.

Prevention Methods

  • Proper Ergonomics: Ensuring your child's study and play environment is ergonomically designed.

  • Regular Physical Activity: Encouraging sports or other activities can strengthen back muscles.

  • Educating on Backpack Safety: Teaching children to carry only what's necessary and to use both shoulder straps can reduce the risk.

Children's back pain can arise from various causes, but the good news is that there are effective treatments available, such as upper cervical chiropractic care. As parents, being informed and proactive can make a world of difference in managing and preventing back pain in your child. Upper cervical chiropractic care, with its gentle and holistic approach, can be a valuable tool in your arsenal to ensure your child's overall health and well-being.

How We Treat Back Pain In Children

Our upper cervical spine expert, Dr. Gordon Elder, recommends children with back pain receive treatment while they are still young. Not only will this help alleviate any symptoms or problems they are experiencing from back pain, but it will help prevent the harmful effects that back pain may have in the future. 

Dr. Elder is a specialist in the Blair Chiropractic Technique. Unlike traditional chiropractic methods, which involve jarring snaps and scary twists, the Blair Technique is gentle. As well, the Blair Technique is a technique that is safe and non-invasive—perfect for children. 

Treatments begin with Dr. Elder screening your child through a consultation and advanced digital diagnostic tools. Once any misalignments are detected, the doctor can calculate and apply gentle, precise, and quick corrections. 

The next step in treating back pain involves a series of quick follow-up exams to ensure the vertebrae remain aligned and to monitor the body's natural healing processes along the way. After that, the doctor recommends regular chiropractic checkups to help keep your child's spine healthy, strong and properly aligned as they continue to grow. 

If your child is experiencing back pain, contact the Blair Chiropractic Clinic today for an appointment. We see clients in Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

How To Prevent Digital Devices From Causing Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pain

The modern lifestyle has led to a significant increase in the use of digital devices. Be it work or leisure, people across all age groups find themselves engaged with screens for a major portion of the day. While digital devices have made our lives easier in many ways, they have also introduced a range of health issues, including neck, back, and shoulder pain. These issues, collectively known as "tech neck" or "text neck," often result from poor posture, constant hunching, and repetitive strain on muscles while using devices. Here, we will provide practical tips on how to prevent digital devices from causing neck, back, and shoulder pain.

Maintain Correct Posture

Improper posture is the chief culprit behind most tech-related aches. Ensure that when using a device, your back is straight, shoulders are relaxed, and neck is in a neutral position. If you're working on a desktop, position the screen at eye level so you don't have to look down or up for extended periods. With handheld devices, try to hold them at eye level as much as possible to avoid bending your neck.

Regular Movement and Stretching

Staying in one position for extended periods can strain muscles and lead to pain. To counter this, take short breaks every 30 minutes. Stand, walk around, and stretch your body. Neck and shoulder rolls, side neck stretches, and gentle back twists can help alleviate strain. There are many online resources available that demonstrate simple stretches and movements that can be performed at your desk or workspace.

Ergonomic Workstation

Investing in ergonomic furniture can make a big difference. An adjustable chair that supports the natural curve of your spine, a desk at the right height, and perhaps a keyboard tray or a standing desk can greatly improve your overall posture and reduce the strain on your muscles. If you spend a lot of time on calls, consider using a headset instead of holding your phone to your ear to avoid shoulder and neck strain.

Exercise Regularly

Physical exercise strengthens your body and enhances its ability to cope with strain. Regular strength training can build up your back, neck, and shoulder muscles, making them less susceptible to tech-related aches. Exercise can also increase your overall flexibility and endurance, further reducing the risk of pain.

Proper Screen Time Management

Limit your non-essential screen time. Extended periods of device usage can not only cause physical discomfort but can also impact your eyes and mental health. Develop a routine where you allocate certain hours of the day to being device-free. Also, consider using apps that track your screen time to keep yourself accountable.

Use of External Peripherals

Using an external mouse and keyboard for your laptop can help maintain better posture, especially if you're working for long hours. Similarly, for tablets or smartphones, consider using a holder or stand to avoid continuously holding your device.

Optimize Screen Settings

Adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen to a comfortable level to avoid straining your eyes, which can lead to headaches and neck pain. Using your device in dark mode or night mode can also reduce eye strain.

In the digital age, device use is unavoidable. However, by integrating these tips into your daily routine, you can prevent and reduce neck, back, and shoulder pain caused by prolonged device usage. Remember that the key is consistency, and it's essential to make these healthy habits a part of your lifestyle. Also, if your pain is persistent or severe, it's recommended to seek medical advice as it may be a sign of an underlying condition.

How We Treat Neck, Back and Shoulder Pain

We, at Blair Chiropractic Clinic, take a targeted approach to addressing neck, back, and shoulder discomfort caused by digital devices, concentrating on uncovering and rectifying the root cause of the issue through the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique. Our upper cervical expert, Dr. Gordon Elder, uses this technique, combined with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools, to realign the displaced upper cervical vertebrae back to their natural position. This not only mitigates the symptoms of neck, back, and shoulder pain but also reactivates the body's inherent healing processes.

Our skilled chiropractor, Dr. Gordon Elder, follows a structured two-part treatment protocol to deal with neck, back, and shoulder pain. The first step involves a short evaluation of your spinal health during your initial consultation. This examination, typically lasting between 25-30 minutes, is instrumental in identifying whether you're dealing with a misalignment in your upper cervical spine. Based on these findings, Dr. Elder will guide you on the most effective treatment strategy.

In cases where a misalignment is confirmed, Dr. Elder advances to the treatment plan's second phase. Utilizing an array of three-dimensional imaging technology, he will meticulously examine your upper cervical spine to accurately identify the location of the vertebral misalignment. You'll have the opportunity to discuss the findings and address any queries with Dr. Elder.

Subsequently, Dr. Elder will apply a set of gentle, non-forceful adjustments to the main problem area. The objective here is to reinstate the natural alignment of your upper cervical spine, which helps alleviate the neck, back, and shoulder pain by eliminating the undue pressure, and further stimulates the body's innate healing mechanisms.

After the initial realignment, patients are encouraged to attend regular, increasingly spaced-out check-ups to verify the adjustment's longevity for 3 months. In a typical span of 3-5 months, patients will have around 10 to 15 consultations with Dr. Elder.

If neck, back, and shoulder pain from digital devices is hindering your daily activities, don't endure it silently. Blair Chiropractic Clinic, situated in Lubbock, Texas, extends its services to neighboring areas, including Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, El Paso in Texas, and Hobbs in New Mexico.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

Could Your Driving Posture Be Triggering Back Pain?

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is a common ailment that plagues millions of people worldwide. While numerous factors can contribute to this condition, one commonly overlooked aspect is the role of driving posture. This article will delve into how improper driving posture can contribute to back pain and suggest ways to rectify the situation.

The Connection Between Driving Posture and Back Pain

When driving, you might not pay much attention to your posture, but the way you sit behind the wheel can significantly impact your back. Sitting for prolonged periods in any situation can contribute to back pain, but the issue can be exacerbated when driving due to the vibration of the vehicle, steering wheel use, and the necessity of maintaining the same position for extended periods.

Inadequate lumbar support, incorrect seat adjustment, and poorly positioned steering wheels can contribute to poor posture and place excess stress on the lower back. This stress can strain muscles, tendons, and ligaments, leading to inflammation, pain, and possible development of chronic back conditions over time.

Identifying Poor Driving Posture

Poor driving posture can take many forms. Slouching, sitting too far or too close to the wheel, and not utilizing backrests are common habits that may lead to back pain. If you notice persistent discomfort during or after driving, it's worth evaluating your driving posture.

Adjusting Your Driving Position

Achieving the correct driving posture can alleviate back pain and prevent future issues. Here are some tips for optimizing your driving position:

  1. Seat Adjustment: Your seat should be positioned to allow for a slight bend in your knees when you depress the pedals. Your back should rest comfortably against the seat with your shoulders touching the backrest.

  2. Lumbar Support: Adjust the lumbar support in your seat so that it fits snugly into the curve of your lower back. If your vehicle doesn't have built-in lumbar support, consider using a portable lumbar cushion.

  3. Steering Wheel Position: Position the steering wheel to maintain a slight bend in your elbows when your hands are at the 9 and 3 o'clock positions. Avoid reaching too far or having your arms fully extended.

  4. Mirror Position: Adjust your mirrors to encourage good posture. If you need to slouch or lean to see, your mirrors are not correctly adjusted.

  5. Taking Breaks: On long drives, take regular breaks to stretch your muscles and relieve any built-up tension.

Seeking Professional Help

If your back pain persists despite making these adjustments, it may be time to seek professional help. Chiropractors, especially those specializing in upper cervical care, are experts in spinal health. They can provide advice on posture, conduct spinal health assessments, and offer treatment plans to alleviate back pain.

Driving posture is an often-overlooked aspect of back health. By making a conscious effort to maintain good posture when behind the wheel and taking proactive measures to address back pain, drivers can significantly improve their overall spinal health and quality of life. Always remember: a healthy back is essential for a comfortable drive!

How We Treat Back Pain

The top seven vertebrae starting at the skull's base and descending through the neck constitute the upper cervical spine. These specific vertebrae are highly susceptible to damage from even minor traumas or postural misalignments, and a misalignment in the upper cervical spine can have a ripple effect down the back, exerting additional stress on various joints, ligaments, and muscles.

Specializing in the Blair Chiropractic Technique, Dr. Gordon Elder blends modern technology with gentle manual adjustments to treat upper cervical complications.

Employing cutting-edge 3D imaging technologies, Dr. Elder identifies and measures spinal misalignments. Using this information, he administers precise, gentle, and rapid adjustments to correct the positioning. When the upper cervical spine is correctly aligned, inflammation reduces, and strain on other joints and tissues along the back decreases. This optimal alignment allows the body's natural healing processes to initiate and carry out the rest of the recuperation.

To ensure long-lasting results, Dr. Elder supplements his treatments with follow-up examinations to confirm the maintained alignment. Furthermore, he advocates for regular check-ups as a preventive measure against future back issues.

If back pain is causing you discomfort, consider implementing our relief tips. Alternatively, reach out to Dr. Elder to schedule an appointment and explore how upper cervical care may benefit you. Dr. Elder caters to areas including Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

Back Surgery: Is It Really The Best Option?

If you've been suffering from chronic back pain, you're probably willing to do anything to get relief—even surgery. 

It can be hard to get through the days when your back pain is constantly nagging. It becomes difficult to work, do your chores, or participate in hobbies and leisure activities you once enjoyed. Anytime you do try to do anything, back pain can make it a miserable experience. Nights can be even worse. Back pain can make it hard to sleep, leaving you even more frustrated in the daytime.

Many chronic back pain sufferers grow desperate for relief. Pain medication, be it over-the-counter or prescription, only masks the pain for a little while. In exchange, they come with a plethora of side effects and health risks. Heating pads, ice packs, braces, analgesic creams, etc. can only do so much and are short-lived solutions. There comes a point at which you begin contemplating that last resort—back surgery. 

Is back surgery really your last resort, though? And is it really your best option? Before you take such drastic action, you might want to give chiropractic care a try. 

Why Back Surgery May Not Be The Best Option

You should always follow the advice of your primary healthcare provider, but doctors are generally reluctant to offer back surgery as an option. While it does help some people, for many patients it makes matters worse. 

Some studies have found more than half of all people who undergo back surgery are unable to return to work. People who do not choose back surgery are more likely to continue working than people who have surgery. Making matters worse, nearly half the people who have back surgery increase their use of prescription painkillers. 

Back surgery comes with some significant risks such as infection, permanent nerve damage, paralysis, loss of control over the bladder and/or bowels, sexual dysfunction, and heart attack.

Consider Chiropractic Treatment First

Before you make any plans for back surgery, why not try a natural, non-invasive, drug-free intervention to see if it helps your back pain? Chiropractic care does not pose a risk like back surgery, and as a bonus, it is often far cheaper than surgery and recovery. 

More importantly, chiropractic care works for many back pain sufferers. Many patients find they experience some relief after the first visit. As time goes on, the improvements usually continue. As alignment to the spine is restored, the body's healing processes begin to repair damage and restore function. In time, many chiropractic patients who thought they were "incurable" find they have less pain, better mobility, better flexibility, and more energy. 

Let Us Help With Natural Back Pain Treatment

Dr. Gordon Elder is an upper cervical specialist in Lubbock, Texas. At the Blair Chiropractic Clinic, Dr. Elder is a trained expert in the Blair Chiropractic Technique. The Blair technique is a gentle but highly effective chiropractic specialty that utilizes a series of advanced diagnostic tools to target and correct spinal misalignments. 

Dr. Elder's three-step treatment plan for chronic back pain sufferers goes as follows:

Step 1 — Dr. Elder conducts a thorough consultation and assesses your health with state-of-the-art 3D diagnostic imaging tools. This enables him to have a more exact understanding of your unique anatomy and the root cause of your problem. 

Step 2 — Dr. Elder uses special corrective manipulations to make adjustments to your spine. Because of the more thorough screening, adjustments are gentler and made with more precision than with traditional chiropractic techniques. This makes for a more comfortable visit and longer-lasting adjustments. 

Step 3 — Once your body begins healing, Dr. Elder recommends continued regular check-ups to help maintain the health of your spine and to avoid problems from returning. 

Don't let back pain continue to rob you of your ability to be productive and enjoy life. Before you consider something as risky as surgery, contact Dr. Elder to see how he can help. Dr. Elder's areas of coverage include Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico. 

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

Could Your Feet Be Causing Back Pain?

Many people suffer from back pain, but rarely do they consider the source of the problem may be somewhere else in the body. Many people experiencing back pain seek relief but don't realize that the root cause of the problem is their feet. 

When you think about it, it makes sense. After all, everything in the body is connected. When one part is out of whack, it can affect the other parts. Feet problems can cause a problem in the ankle, which causes a problem in the knee. This chain can work its way up, leaving the back to get the brunt of it. 

Foot Problems That Cause Lower Back Pain

One very common foot problem that causes back pain is pes planus, otherwise known as "flat feet." This is when pressure causes the arches to flatten, causing the legs to rotate inward. This causes an unnatural pelvic tilt, increasing stress in the lower back. 

People with flat feet often experience back pain and fatigue, especially after physical activity, or after a long workday standing and walking around. 

On the flip side, supination is another condition that isn't any better than flat feet. The opposite of flat feet, people with supination have high arches. 

Your arches are like shock absorbers; their job is to allow your foot to be a bit springy so impacts don't cause any damage. High arches make the foot too rigid to absorb shock effectively. Spending a lot of time walking on hard surfaces, running, or jumping when you have high arches can lead to back pain.

Foot pain in general also causes back pain. Your foot can hurt for any number of reasons—an injury, a blister, an ingrown toe nail, bone spurs, or ill-fitting shoes can cause your foot to hurt. This may cause you to limp, hobble, walk on your toes, or walk on the outside edges of your feet. This poor foot posture can lead to strained muscles and joints going up the leg, into the back. 

Chiropractic Care Can Help Back Pain from Foot Issues

While you should address your foot issues with your healthcare provider, you might consider seeing a chiropractor to help with your back pain. Any foot pain that causes strain on your back can knock vertebrae out of alignment, and this can have a domino effect on the rest of the musculoskeletal system. Misalignments can cause inflammation, pain, and swelling, and may pinch nerves and disrupt the flow of signals through the central nervous system. 

Dr. Gordon Elder of the  Blair Chiropractic Clinic in Lubbock, Texas is a practitioner of the Blair Chiropractic Technique. This technique targets misalignments using advanced diagnostic tools and gentle manipulations to restore the spine's natural, healthy position. 

Dr. Elder has a three-step plan for patients that begins with a thorough health screening. This screening includes scanning using advanced 3D diagnostic imaging tools so that the doctor can examine and calculate any misalignments. The doctor can then discuss your options with you and help formulate a treatment plan.

The second step involves manipulations using gentle pressure. Unlike the jolts and twists of traditional chiropractic methods, doctors practicing the Blair technique utilize 3D technology to apply more precise corrections with low-pressure adjustments.

The final step is preventative; Dr. Elder recommends regular check-ups to ensure corrections hold and to nip any future problems in the bud. Contact Dr. Elder if foot problems have caused your back pain. The doctor's area of coverage includes Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

Whiplash: How the Blair Chiropractic Technique Helps Treat This Condition

What is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a common injury experienced by people during a car accident. Broadly speaking, any injury where the head is whipped forwards and then back again with rapid speed can result in whiplash. 

In the weeks following an injury, whiplash can result in extreme discomfort in the neck and shoulders but usually resolves itself within a short period. However, in some cases, the signs and symptoms of whiplash can be felt long after the incident, potentially indicating that something else may be awry. 

Signs and Symptoms of Whiplash

The symptoms of whiplash will depend on the severity of the impact event. The most common symptoms include neck pain, shooting pains in the shoulder or upper back, headaches, stiffness in the neck or shoulders, and difficulty moving the neck through its full range of motion. 

In more serious or long-term cases of whiplash, patients may begin to feel dizzy and experience tinnitus, speech impediments, blurred vision, fatigue, and difficulty chewing. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Whiplash

The upper cervical spine is directly impacted by whiplash incidents due to the sudden force exerted on the area during an accident. Specifically, the rapid ‘whipping’ of the head carriage back and forth can misalign one or more vertebrae in the upper cervical spine, causing tears and inflammation in the surrounding ligaments, nerves, and musculature.  

Left untreated, these injuries can lead to long-neck pain, stiffness, and headaches, prolonging whiplash symptoms and disrupting the body’s natural healing process.  

How Our Upper Cervical Treatment for Whiplash Works

Our in-house specialist, Dr. Gordon Elder, is an expert practitioner of the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique. The Blair Upper Cervical Technique is a unique, low-force chiropractic technique for gently correcting and realigning vertebral misalignments in the upper cervical spine. 

Dr. Elder’s first step in treating whiplash is a brief physical examination of your spine to determine if you’re suffering from a misalignment in the upper cervical spine. If a misalignment is detected, Dr. Elder will use several advanced diagnostic tools, including modern 3-D imaging technologies, to pinpoint the exact location of the misalignment. Afterward, you’ll be able to look over your scans and ask Dr. Elder any questions about your spinal health. 

Next, Dr. Elder will employ a series of precise, non-invasive adjustment techniques to realign any misaligned vertebrae to their natural position, thereby allowing the

body’s natural healing mechanisms to restore and maintain proper function in the spinal column and surrounding musculature. 

Following the initial adjustment, patients will return for regular, gradually spaced-out

check-ups to ensure their adjustment has stayed in place for 3 months. These check-ups generally span between 10 and 15 appointments in a 3-5-month window. 

If whiplash is hindering your ability to participate in everyday life, get in touch today to speak with Dr. Elder about healing your upper cervical spine. Located in Lubbock, Texas, Blair Chiropractic Clinic also services Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, El Paso in Texas, and Hobbs in New Mexico.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.