Golfer's Elbow: Natural Ways To Alleviate The Pain

Golfer's elbow doesn't sound very serious to most people, but if you have this condition you know just how big a problem it can be. Golfer's elbow is an extremely painful condition that limits your range of motion and ability to use your arm freely. 

For many people, this condition can get in the way of not only their favorite hobbies and sports but makes it difficult to do daily chores, work, or drive. Some people have difficulty sleeping with golfer's elbow due to the jolts of pain they may feel when moving their arm throughout the night. 

While the condition got its name because it commonly strikes golfers, you can also get this condition from moving heavy weights or operating heavy machinery. If you have the symptoms of this condition, you should consider consulting with a chiropractor for a natural, drug-free, non-invasive treatment. 

Symptoms and Treatment of Golfer's Elbow

Golfer's elbow is a condition caused by microtears in the muscles and tendons of the inner arm near the elbow. Microtears cause inflammation that causes the muscles and tendons to become stiff. You may notice a reduced range of motion. Using your arm in the usual way will become increasingly painful until the condition is healed.

Golfer's elbow is usually treated with resting and elevating the arm, ice packs, and over-the-counter pain medication. Unfortunately, this treatment requires about six to eight weeks to heal. When you have responsibilities, it can be hard to drop everything for a couple of months. 

Even if you can go that long without using your arm, this treatment may cause other problems. Immobilizing the arm for that long may result in scar tissue, muscle weakness, and reduced flexibility. 

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Treat Golfer's Elbow

The upper cervical spine is made up of the seven uppermost vertebrae that run from the base of the skull through the neck. This is an important part of the spine in that it is responsible for the movement of the head and neck. It also protects the spinal cord where it connects to the brain stem. 

Unfortunately, this is also a very vulnerable part of the spine prone to injury. Even minor jolts to the head and neck throughout our lives, such as from playing sports or getting into fender-benders, can cause a misalignment of the vertebrae. To keep their head up straight, people unconsciously shift their weight to compensate for misalignments. These little shifts are barely noticeable but they throw the entire musculoskeletal system into disarray. One minor misalignment can cause people to shift in a way that puts undue stress or excess pressure on other muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints throughout the body. That's how people end up with injuries like golfer's elbow. 

Chiropractors can help by restoring proper alignment, thereby restoring balance to the musculoskeletal system. This helps reduce pain, restore flexibility, and can break up scar tissue.

How We Treat Golfer's Elbow

Dr. Gordon Elder of the Blair Chiropractic Clinic in Lubbock, Texas is an upper cervical specialist who can help treat the root cause of your golfer's elbow. Dr. Elder practices the Blair Chiropractic Technique, a technique combining the best of modern technology with manual manipulations. Blair chiropractors use advanced 3D diagnostic tools that allow for more precision in hands-on adjustments. Adjustments are therefore much more gentle and comfortable than traditional chiropractic methods. 

Dr. Elder's first step is to give patients a health screening, which includes high-level 3D scanning so he can more accurately calculate the angles of their unique anatomy. 

The second step of Dr. Elder's treatment involves the healing process. The process includes gentle adjustments to bring the spine back into a healthy alignment. Once the spine's correct position is restored, the body's natural healing processes take over to help reduce inflammation and repair damage. 

The third and final step of Dr. Elder's treatment is aimed at preventative care to prevent any problems from returning. Regular chiropractic check-ups allow the doctor to make sure your spine remains in proper alignment and lets him nip any problems in the bud. 

Don't let golfer's elbow pain leave you sitting on the sidelines of your life. Dr. Elder can help facilitate healing and get you back into shape. Call for an appointment; the doctor's areas of coverage include Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.