A Natural Treatment Method For Sinus Issues

What are Sinus Issues?

The sinuses are small pockets in the skull that allow air to flow, and fluids to channel to the nose so they can drain. Unfortunately, sometimes these pockets get clogged with mucous. Clogged sinuses can be painful and may cause breathing problems. It also allows bacteria to accumulate, which may lead to infections.

Signs and Symptoms of Sinus Issues

There are many symptoms people with sinus issues may experience. Commonly, clogged sinuses will cause a feeling of stuffiness or pressure around the forehead, nose, eyes, and cheeks. This pressure may be merely uncomfortable for some, but in more severe cases it can be very painful. The pressure, along with the stress of being in pain, can cause headaches.

When suffering from sinus problems, you may find you have nasal congestion or constant discharge from the nose. As you move your head, you may feel fluids shifting and draining from one side to the other. Some people experience post-nasal drip, which happens when backed-up sinus fluids drip down the throat. This can cause some throat irritation and hoarseness. 

Because clogged sinuses cause your breathing to be obstructed, it can cause fatigue, yet make it difficult to sleep. Since mucus trapped in the sinus cavities are an ideal breeding ground for germs, sinus problems can lead to infections. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Effects Sinus Issues

A misalignment in the upper cervical spine can directly impact the nerve signals directed to the sinus membranes. This occurs when misaligned vertebrae place pressure on the nerve centers in and around the spinal cord. The ensuing inflammation can disrupt nerve flow, inhibiting signal traffic from the central nervous system to the facial muscles. Irregular tensions and misfiring nerves in the muscles of the face and head can lead to sinus issues. 

How Our Sinus Treatment Works

If your sinus problems stem from craniofacial nerve flow disruptions, no medication or home remedies will get to the root of the problem. Instead of treating symptoms, we seek to get to the root of the problem and correct it so that symptoms will abate.

Dr. Gordon Elder is our resident specialist in the upper cervical spine. An expert in the Blair Chiropractic Technique, Dr. Elder uses gentle, low-force but precise pressure to help correct any misalignments that may be causing your sinus pain. The Blair technique is a modern, safe, non-invasive, drug-free way to treat sinus problems. 

A screening with Dr. Elder involves testing and diagnostic imaging using our advanced 3D medical scanning equipment. This allows the doctor to make exact calculations for more precise corrections. 

Once your upper cervical spine is aligned you should feel some immediate relief; the body's natural processes can then jump into action to facilitate the healing process. In a series of brief visits over the next few months, Dr. Elder will follow up with you to ensure the healing and alignment continue. 

After treatments, you may wish to take preventative measures so that sinus problems don't return. You can make appointments for regular checkups with Dr. Elder so he can catch any nerve pressure early and prevent it from causing any more problems. 

Call Dr. Elder for a consultation. We see patients in Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico. 

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.